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We are aiming to understand and follow children’s interests and provide opportunities throughout our EYFS curriculum to support learning, consolidate and deepen knowledge and ensure children meet their next steps.  We aim to provide motivating first-hand experiences to enable children to build resilience, ambition and a lifelong love of learning.  We are aiming to work in partnership with parents and carers to encourage independent, happy learners who thrive in school and reach their full potential from their various starting points.  At Graveney we recognise that all children are unique, celebrating and welcoming differences within our school community.  Our curriculum is developed and adapted each year to follow the interests and fascinations of the children in the current year group whilst building specific knowledge, identified through the areas of learning.  We recognise how learning builds sequentially, taking what the children already know and can do towards identified end points or outcomes.  We want to prepare children to reach the Early Learning Goals at the end of the Foundation Stage, ensuring they make good progress from their starting points and are ready to transition to Year 1. 


Our curriculum follows the Early Years Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and uses the Development Matters 2022 as a starting point for each child.  We also have termly Curriculum topics, where we plan exciting, broad and balanced activities which give our children new experiences, opportunities and build on their interests.  We encourage active learning to ensure the children are motivated and interested. We take time to get to know children’s interests and their likes to support their learning.  Lessons are well-planned and structured to ensure that every child is offered an enjoyable, broad and balanced learning experience.  We provide support for learning with appropriate and accessible indoor and outdoor space, facilities and equipment.  Children learn in EYFS by playing and exploring, being active and thinking critically and creatively.  The children’s abilities are regularly assessed using formative assessments, enabling the teaching staff to incorporate this into future planning.  Their mark-making, teacher-directed and child-initiated work is documented to show development and progression.  We keep parents and carers informed through our use of the Tapestry App, each child’s individual learning journal and our school website, where their learning and progression and development is shared.  We also meet regularly with parents and carers throughout the year to ensure children’s transition into school at the start and, through the EYFS, is happy and allows them to reach their potential with the support needed.  Children with SEN and EAL are supported well, with their learning needs and being incorporated into lessons and their tasks appropriately planned.  The children’s transition from their nurseries is outstanding, with excellent relationships being built between the child, parent and teacher prior to their arrival.  Staff in the EYFS provide a kind, caring, happy environment which helps each child develop their own personality in their journey through school.  It is a positive place where perseverance and success are celebrated, and every child feels valued and respected.   


By the end of the EYFS, children will be happy, well-rounded, confident and ready to transition into Year 1.  We also strive for children to reach the Early Learning Goals at the end of Reception and to exceed the National and Local Authority data.  Regular meetings with the head teacher to discuss children’s attainment ensures rates of progress are good or more than expected progress for all children, including vulnerable groups such as those with SEND or who are disadvantaged. Assessment judgements are moderated externally by local schools.   


In the EYFS at Graveney we ensure that accurate assessment of children’s learning is undertaken as it underpins their future learning.  Ongoing assessment is an integral part of the learning and development process. We make daily informal assessments of children’s learning and use this information to ensure that future planning reflects identified needs. Assessment in the EYFS takes the form of observations through the use of text, video and photographs. These observations are recorded in children’s individual profiles on the Tapestry App, which can be accessed online by all staff in the EYFS, the head teacher, as well as parents by using a secure individual log-in.   Parents are then also able to contribute to the learning journal by uploading pictures and information.  The children are also given an individual “Learning Journal” in which they can draw and write any of their learning which they may choose to share with their parents every Friday.  The parents can then also contribute to the journal by adding any of their child’s home learning or news to share with the EYFS staff and the rest of the class.  These important journals are used throughout the year, documenting the child’s learning and development, through which staff also use them to inform their assessments.  Baseline assessments are made within the first few weeks of the child entering our nursery and progress is charted from this starting point. The Statutory Reception baseline takes place within the first 3 weeks of our children starting the Reception class. 

Our End of Year Expectations

For our literacy, reading and numeracy end-of-year expectations, please find this information located on each individual subject page.